Each team grabs as many items from the circle and returns them to the starting line. The team with the most items wins.
- Bean Bags
- Bowling Pins
- Dodge Balls
- Hula Hoops
- Relay Batons
Place the hula hoops at one end of the game area. These will be the line for each team. Place the batons, bean bags, bowling pins, and dodge balls at the other end.
If you are playing in a gym, you can put the various items at half court and start the lines near the volleyball end line.

How to play Grab Bag
Split players into equal teams. Have 2 or 3 players for each team play each round. When the whistle blows, hall all team members play run out to the center and pick up as many items as they can carry. They then run back with the items and place them in their team’s hula hoop. The team with the most items in their hula hoop with the round.
- Assign values to each item and tally up to the total score at the end of each round.