
We have all been there. You get asked to lead game time with the kids at the last minute. You scramble around to find a game, searching Google and coming up with nothing. So you resort to the go-to game… Dodgeball.

Most of the kids love it. Some of the timid kids hate it. But for you, it’s easy to gather a few balls up, and everyone knows how to play it.

Game time has come, and everyone seems to be having a great time. Until the headshot! Glasses go flying. Kids start crying. And you vow to do a better job next time.

Until next time… you find yourself in the same spot. Frantically looking for a game. And you settle once again on Dodgeball.

It’s time to stop the Dodge Ball cycle. It’s time to have the equipment and resource you need to be better prepared. It’s time to lead an epic game time. Every game time!